May 1st, Labour Day, a moment of reflection and discussion, organised in collaboration with the Trentino ACLI Association (Catholic Association of Italian Workers), will be held at our establishment.
For the celebrations of May 1st, Labour Day, our company will host an event organized in collaboration with the Trentino ACLI Association. This will be an opportunity to reflect and discuss issues regarding work and employment. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Holy Mass will be held. Speeches by the various authorities will follow. They will be welcomed by our managerial staff at the Officine Marcante site.
During these days filters for the EXPO Milan 2015 worksite were delivered. The filters manufactured by Marcante Serbatoi Srl, are intended to treat the water source of this great event, an event touching on important issues such as nutrition and energy.
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In the last edition of TRENTINO INDUSTRIALE, bi-monthly magazine regarding the economy of Trentino tied to Confindustria Trento, an interview of our Marketing Manager, Mrs. Lucia Marcante, was published.
The article, entitled PROIETTATI NEL MONDO E LEGATI AL TERRITORIO (PROJECTED INTO THE WORLD AND TIED TO THE TERRITORY), highlights the company's history, from its establishment to today, its international clientele and the variety of products manufactured, its state of the art equipment and the importance of choosing their collaborators. All this marked by great attention to quality and total customer satisfaction.
Link to the official website: read Trentino Industriale article
The construction of Europe's largest water purification plant kicks off in Ravenna. This construction is of particular interest because it will be the biggest European water purification plant with membrane technology. The filters used were made by Marcante Serbatoi.
In the past few days the first foundation stone of the new water purifier that Romagna Acque-Societ delle Fonti (Romagna Water Company) will build south of the city, in the area of ​​Standiana, was placed. The applied technology, provided by the US multinational company, General Electric, is an ultrafiltration method, with GAC treatment filters manufactured by Marcante Serbatoi. The 38.5 million euro investment for only the water treatment plant was necessary in order to ensure greater availability of drinking water in the Romagna area.
> Learn more about treatment filters
> Read the entire article on Sole 24 ore
Aquae Italiana is a network of Italian companies whose business revolves around the water sector, from design to engineering, from manufacturing and supply of equipment to the development of environmental and user-friendly technologies to handling of permits for construction and supervision of works.
It is a consulting firm, supplying technology and general contractors, a team of Italian experts that, through innovative and state of the art solutions, have the goal of globally developing the water sector in an economical and financially sustainable way. They also provide integrated services, respecting the rights of future generations.
The companies that are part of Aquae Italiana consider themselves the representatives for the design, engineering and construction phases of the plants, along with the handling of contracts for the granting and supervision of works.
Aquae Italiana, for the fulfilment of its business inspirational principles in the Russian territory will follow a few
> implementation of advanced practical solutions with high-impact and innovative technology, designed to optimise technological projects and support the management of companies operating in the water sector;
> assessment of the condition of the water supply sources and implementation of programmes in order to reduce pollution risks;
> design and implementation of modernisation programmes for water supply and disposal systems, and purification of waste water in compliance with international standards;
> incentivisation of the use of technologies to save water and reduce water losses in water supply systems through the introduction of technologies for the optimisation of water consumption;
> adoption of standardisation procedures and methodologically advanced quality control and monitoring activities;
> participation in the design and implementation of management programmes for cross-border water supplies;
> development of training programmes and specialisation courses in order to train technical experts in the sector.
From the scientific, technical and legislative perspectives, Aquae Italiana's efforts will be directed towards the pursuit of planning objectives and management of water resources according to an overall, integrated vision aimed at social and economic ethical sustainability, pursuing governmental objectives.
Link to the official website:
This commitment, partaken with the AqueaItaliana brand, whereby Marcante Serbatoi is a member, shows the constant interest towards the Russian Water Association in the continuation of the Pure Water project between Italy and Russia.
The goal of this Forum, which pursues the overall development of the water sector in an economical and financially viable way, with particular attention to the pressing issue of water resources and quality, fits perfectly with the mission of Aquae Italiana which is the highest expression of Italian technology in the field of water treatment.
Aquae Italiana represents the Italia brand in the environmental sector, a group of companies that have formed one single group in order to offer both public and private Russian stakeholders innovative solutions,
excellent quality and technologically advanced solutions.
Aquae Italiana aims to work with the Government, Institutions and organisations that manage and deliver water along with the local communities, as a provider of services and infrastructures. It also strives at catering to the industrial sector, considered to be the economic strength of a country that, however, has a heavy fallout when it comes to the environment.
A special thanks to the Vice Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation's Federal Assembly - Svetlana Orlova, who honoured the event by inviting the whole consortium to officially participate in this event and whereby a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Italian experts in the field of the technologies applied to water resources in the previous Pure Water Forum of 2010.